As a parent, you know your kid (or at least you should).  It is a daily learning process, though, the art of knowing your kid.  I don't know about you, but I learn new things about my kids almost daily.  Sometimes, I learn something that I should have learned...picked up on...paid attention to....long ago.  Today was one of those days.

You see, my son is an advanced reader.  I do not know his actual reading level, but I know it is much higher than his current grade level.  He does not like to read as much I would hope or as much as I see other advanced readers read.  Or does he?

You see, I love to read.  I am pretty picky about what I read, though.  I really only like to read fiction books.  I have been pushing and pushing for Daniel to read books....fiction books.  "Daniel, you need to read that Bill Wallace book I bought for you."  OR "How about those Diary of a Wimpy Kid books?"  When we go to the library, I get so frustrated because he either wants to get books with interesting facts, or on subjects he's interested in (snakes, dinosaurs, the human body), or he wants to get comic strip books (Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, etc).  

I do not give these books any worth.  I shake my head and say "ok, we'll get these books, but I want you to read these other books".  Here's the thing, though.  Aren't these books just as worthy as fictional books...or even more so.  My son is currently reading a book called "Do Bees Sneeze?" and it is full of interesting facts about insects.  These are not mere picture books, but actual books full of facts and knowledge.  

Today, while at the library, Daniel began picking through books he thought looked interesting.  I sighed again...but as I helped him look for books, I had an epiphany!  My son is reading.  He is reading books of substance.  My favorite genre does not have to be my kids.

And so, when we got home from the library, I just giggled as Daniel laughed and laughed as he read one of the books he checked out "Boredom Busters".  I reflected on the many books he has read that have impacted him so much because of the interesting things he learned.  He's got a good head on his shoulders and he knows what he likes and does not like.
Today, Daniel decided, on his own, to write a poem.  Here he is reading it!!


    Daniel is a fun loving boy of 7.  He is all boy all the time.  He is highly intelligent, but in no way "nerdy".  For now, I have NO idea what he will do with his life, but I would bet it would have to do with engineering or music or writing.


    October 2012
    September 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012

