As I have stated in previous posts, I made the decision to take a more literature approach to reading with my son Daniel about half way through 1st grade.  I compiled a list of books I would like us to go through and began reading books.

A couple of the books we read were...well....not great.  "Stuart Little"?  Wow!!  TOTAL BORE and REALLY weird.  "Tornado" by Betsy Byars was...pretty ok.  Daniel LOVED "Mr. Popper's Penguins".  And then we decided to try "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".  My daughter had a read a couple Roald Dahl books, but I hadn't.  I wasn't sure what to expect...I just knew I wasn't a fan of either movie (Gene Wilder's version or Johnny Depp's).  BUT, I heard from a couple moms how great the book was and decided to give it a go.

Daniel and I had GREAT fun reading this book and I have to wonder at Roald Dahl and his wonderful imagination.  His mixture of fantasy, creativity, and poetry was just fantastic.  Daniel loved the Oompa Loompa songs and we had fun laughing together as we read the book together.  It was a great lesson in being good and unspoiled.  I do not think I have ever enjoyed reading a book to my kid (Sierra or Daniel) more than I did this one.  I highly recommend finding the above copy's is very colorful...each page the color of candy...the illustrations were just wonderful.

Upon finishing the book (it took us months because of summer break), we decided to watch the movie.  From everything I read, the Johnny Depp version is supposed to be the closest adaptation and it is, indeed, very close.  We watched it last night and except for a few minor changes, it was very close and Daniel and I shared many knowing glances at scenes we remembered laughing at during the reading of the book.

However, I can't help but think of the Gene Wilder song "Pure Imagination".  I can't help but think this a theme song for Roald Dahl himself.  As I have looked through his other works and read about how one is just as good as another (and I certainly look forward to reading more of his stuff with Daniel), I just think....this song is for Dahl.  So far, in my opinion, I would say he is tops as a writer of children's literature.  I am thankful for authors like him who had the imagination and skill to write such a great story as this one and I look forward to reading more of his novels.

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    Daniel is a fun loving boy of 7.  He is all boy all the time.  He is highly intelligent, but in no way "nerdy".  For now, I have NO idea what he will do with his life, but I would bet it would have to do with engineering or music or writing.


    October 2012
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