Today, I made my November menu....we will see if I stick with is a good guide.  I already made a change.  I wasn't feeling the salad I assigned for tomorrow and decided instead on trying something new with chicken and my crockpot and some couscous.

The key to the bold letters is P=Pinterest, E=Evernote, CP=Crockpot
11/3/2012 08:24:59 am

How much do you actually stick to your menu? Do you wake up one day and think, I'll think I'll have this instead? And what do you do when you don't have leftovers?
I've been making a menu, but just a week at a time. I wonder what it would look like to make one for a whole month... hmmm.... I might just have to give it a try!

11/3/2012 08:54:57 am

I do tend to keep to it pretty closely. Most of the time, I know enough about the recipes to know which ones will have leftover and which will not. I try to take in to account what days are my busiest and which ones are my lightest. In doing a month menu, I have little to no excuse not to cook which means less likely to eat out.


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    It amazes me how many people do not love to cook.  I love it.  There is nothing quite so exhilarating as preparing a meal and having your family loving what you have prepared.  I am often asked what I cook and for my recipes.  I love pinterest and get many of my recipes there. I will now post what's cooking here...hopefully you can be inspired, from the very easy to the more involved.


    January 2013
    December 2012
    November 2012
    October 2012
    September 2012
    August 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012

