2012  --  A rough year and a blessed year.  More blessings than not, but the not was bad enough for me to be glad that 2012 has come to an end while I will hold on to the blessings tightly and carry them with me into the new year.

This year, Daniel got a best friend...and not just any best friend, but a best friend that is so much like him and that comes with the added benefit of parents I adore and consider to be the best of the best as friends.  

This year, I became more involved in a Homeschool Group and have gained friendships that I value more than anything.  I have prayed for years for friendships like these and God has rewarded me greatly.  The wisdom they share, the laughs we have and the camaraderie is priceless.

This year, I have watched my daughter mature and grow.  We have become closer, if that is possible.  I attribute our relationship to homeschooling.

This year, we experienced hardly any sickness minus a cold here and there and Daniel's unfortunate Christmas day illness (I think it was food poisoning from the night before).

This year, we made adjustments in our school structure that have proven to be very beneficial to me and the kids.  Daniel is now working ahead...so far ahead that I am not sure what grade level he is really on.  Sierra is not working ahead, but she is working on mastering her skills and I could not be prouder of her progress.

This year, money was tight...tighter than we have had in years....and we never went hungry, we always had a roof over our head, we always had electricity to keep us warm/cool, we never really went without and learned a new level of dependence on God.

This year, my daughter has grown almost as tall as me and my son has begun to experience growth spurts himself.

There is more I could list....there are all the small blessings....but you get the idea.  2012.  

2013 holds a lot of promises for us...promises I can't wait to experience.  Our journey of homeschooling will continue and my expectations are high.  Sierra will start High School in 2013, which is pretty depressing.  My goal is to finish a book I have been writing for a couple years (and by a couple years, I mean I started a couple years ago and have not touched since).  Matt and I will celebrate 15 years of marriage.  Sierra will go to her first semi-formal dance.  Daniel will continue on his crazy road with his friends as will I.  Matt and I will, like so many others, endeavor to get healthier, physically and financially.

So, thank you 2012 for a year of ups and downs...but excuse me if I give you this quick goodbye as I welcome in this new year!!

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