The Olympics are here and I am out.  I have always had a love for the Olympics and my husband always says he knows that every 4 years I check out and it is true.  I have been sitting here, in my bed, since 7:15 this morning watching the Olympics and I imagine that will be repeated a lot in the next couple weeks.  Oh, I plan on living (I managed to finish planning Sierra's school year while watching the fun), but I also plan on hunkering down and watching.  It helps a lot that this year I am getting PAID to watch the Olympics.  I cannot believe it!!

But, I digress...I will post on here when I can, but, for the most part, I will be gone.  I will be cooking and will post (but pictures will be sketchy...I will be watching as I cook).  I will be getting out of the house at times (church, errands.....CHEESECAKE FACTORY TUESDAY FOR NATIONAL CHEESECAKE DAY, etc), but I just do not know how much blogging I can do while watching the action!!

So, we are, as most families are out there, Phineas and Ferb, to copy one of our favorite characters:

Sandra's out, PEACE!

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