Matt has been looking forward to today for a couple weeks.  Date Night.  It has been months since we have had an opportunity to go out and there is a movie he wants us to see, "People Like Us".  So, the date was set.  Movie and dinner was planned.  The husband was excited.

But, I had a couple rough weeks.  Early wake up times.  Taking my son to 2 different VBS programs (one each week).  My daughter and her multiple doctor's appointment.  A couple other doctor's appointments here and there.  An illness that caused me to go on antibiotics.  Antibiotics that made me feel sick.  Sleepovers.  A plethora of other activities.  I reached a point of exhaustion and feeling like my world was caving in.  For me to be a happy wife and mommy, I need to have time to myself.  Not just an hour here and there...big blocks of time.  I prefer to have uninterrupted time at home.....in a quiet house.  Sometimes, I take advantage of the time and nap...sometimes I watch movies...sometimes I cook...sometimes I do it all.  

My husband could tell that my world was crashing down around me (it helped that I told him that the world was crashing down around me), so he came to me this morning and said he thought we should put off the date by one week.  He said he would take the kids out of the house for the afternoon...would come home late with dinner in hand.  AND, after church tomorrow....he would do the SAME thing.  TWO AFTERNOONS TO MYSELF!??!!  I fought him for a bit....he has so been looking forward to this date.  BUT, he would rather me be there mentally and physically and I see the wisdom in that.

Allow your husband to take the kids for the afternoon.  If he doesn't come up with the idea on his own, suggest it kindly.  Tell him that you will be so much more emotionally available to him (and maybe physically) if you had some space.  Just a few hours could do wonders for you.

So, here I sit.  As if God was smiling down on me and giving me a gift, shortly after my family left and I settled in to do one of my favorite things (watch the Lord of the Rings Trilogy), a thunder storm came crashing down.  I snuggled in to my quilt...a cat by my side...and dozed for just 15 minutes or so (during my least favorite part of The Fellowship of the Ring).  It has been rejuvenating, to say the least.

I love LOTR.  I am often asked which one is my favorite.  I have chosen not to say because I cannot.  When I watch the movies, I watch them in quick succession...one after the other.  They blend together into one VERY long movie. I do not watch the theatrical versions...we have the extended versions on blu-ray.    This will take HOURS and HOURS...and thanks to a considerate husband, I have HOURS and HOURS to devote to the endeavor.  Did I mention that before he left, he cleaned the house and did the dishes??  Legos?  Put away.  Hair tumbleweeds from our many pets?  Vacuumed.  Dishes?  Only what I have used.  

A great gift indeed.

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