You know that feeling well.  You get excited about something and you get a flow going and everything is going smoothly and than all the sudden your internal telephoto lens goes out of focus and you lose sight of what you are doing...or should be doing.

This malfunction often occurs, for me anyway, around summer time. I get lazy.  It's so hot (here in Texas) and it's hard to have motivation to do anything.  Anything you might want to do outside the home, you need to do early in the morning, otherwise, it gets too miserable.  

I often end up putting things off and just lounging on the couch.  I don't want to do anything that requires the use of muscles or brain cells.  It's like I hibernate in the summer.  It's not like my house isn't cool...if anything, it is too cool.  What is my excuse?  Well, give me a second and I'll come up with one.

I really, really need to get myself organized for the upcoming school year...otherwise, things may fall apart.  But, these past several days, I look at my pile of curriculum to go through and just turn my back on it.  Sad?  Yeah, I know.

I have lost my motivation and I do not know where to find it.  My brain is numb.  Am I alone in this and what can I do to wake myself up?

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