There is no doubt that when you decide to homeschool there are many reasons you choose to do it.  When asked, you can list out so many reasons for homeschooling and probably most if not all the reasons you list will be centered around your kids.  Maybe you do not want them influenced by other kids you do not approve of.  Maybe you are against state testing for your kids (focus on education and not on testing).  Maybe your kid was bullied.  Maybe you want your kids to have a Christ-centered education.  Maybe you do not want them exposed to all the icky germs.  The list can go on and likely includes all the above or, at least, a few of them.

But, there is more to homeschooling than the benefits for your kids.  The benefits are abundant for you, the homeschool educator.  It is becoming abundantly clear to me recently that I am benefiting just as much or more than my own kids.  Yes, it is true.  Let me tell you how (in no particular order).

  1. It is like a continuing education program.  Let's face it, how many of us remember all those wonderful facts and figures from our younger years in school.  If you are like me, you put most of that in your short-term memory storage banks and quickly forgot it all as soon as you possibly could.  I am getting refreshed on facts and how to do this and that.  Remember when you were in school and asked "when am I EVER going to need this information"?  Well, here is your answer.  All these years later, I am using all that information that I thought I had conveniently deleted.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment and completion.
  2. There is the obvious, let's face it, moment of just spending time with your kids.  Look, I have a 13-year-old daughter.  I KNOW how fast these years pass.  It can get depressing to see how fast the years have passed...knowing all to well how few years are left.  These are years to TREASURE.  There is nothing like the laughter shared during a spelling test or the sitting together reading a book or the gross task of mummifying a chicken (read my other posts to find out more).  These are moments that are YOURS and NO ONE can take those away from you.  Rather than have your kids leave for 8 hours a day for school and come home and do hours of homework....they are with you for half the time of schoolwork and the rest of the time can be spent just being together.  We take Fridays off.  We will go to the mall, the movies, a bike ride, etc.  This is precious time.
  3. There are the relationships you form with your support group(s).  The relationships I have formed since becoming a homeschooler has been the most vital, life-giving, soul-cleansing, most wonderful relationships I have ever formed.  The women who link arms with you to support you as you all embark on the same journey together are just as important as the ones your kids form as they socialize.  Yes, it is possible to homeschool and have a social life for your KIDS and YOURSELF.  Moms night out, park days, play dates, clubs, etc.  It is all just icing on a fantastic, rich cake.

Now, I am not claiming that everyday that everything is all wine and roses.  Just like anything in life, there are those stumbling blocks.  But, it is just another opportunity for growth and development.  I feel more blessed since becoming a homeschool educator.  I knew when I became a mom that THIS was what God created me for.  I was MEANT to do for and nurture my kids.  The homeschooling part became an extension of that and it just fits.

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