I hear a lot, from my friends who send their kids to school (private and public), as summer approaches it's end, lots of cheering at finally sending their kids back to school.  I'm not judging and I certainly understand.  3 months of entertaining kids who are "bored" all the time can get annoying.  I must say, I cannot wait for school to start, too.  I am beginning to wonder at waiting until after Labor Day.

Much like kids who school out of the home, my kids can get "bored" without direction.  They need goals, activities, entertainment of some sort.  Oh, for the most part, my kids have been wonderful this summer.  Sierra has taken advantage of doing some projects in her room...Daniel has been obsessed with his Legos...I have been obsessed with planning for and organizing for the school year.  But, summer is at it's end and we are all ready to get to it.

Earlier this week, I re-familiarized myself with what my kids are doing this year.  I organized their curriculum so early in the summer...concentrating so much on assigning and less time on executing...I had forgotten a LOT about their curriculum.  As I looked through their books, I found myself doing another organizational task, especially concerning my son's grammar work.  I made detailed notes on what tasks he would need to do each day which was so good for me as I had totally forgotten how this curriculum works (Shurley Grammar).

Today, I sat with Sierra and explained the new system with her.  This will be her third year as a home schooler and her third new system (hey, I am teaching her to adapt...right?).  I spent a long time on her system (and Daniel's...you can read in previous blogs) and I wanted her to understand what was expected of her so as to not waste time on this when school starts next Tuesday.  I want to jump right in.  I explained the binder system.  I explained what the expectations were.  You know...she's more excited than ever about school this year.  She is most excited about the new level of flexibility she will have...she will not be tied down to a computer...she can go wherever she wants in the house to do her school (we even just got her a FREE loveseat today to put in her room).

Daniel's school will remain much the same...just cozier with the loveseat in our school room and the level of work is raised exponentially.  

I am VERY ready for school to start.  I am ready to have a purpose for each day.  I am ready to get back into schedules.  I am also ready for the fun to begin.  Park Day...starts next Wednesday.  I have already gotten notices on upcoming field trips including one where we will tour the big baseball stadium downtown.  I am giddy with excitement.  

I sat in the schoolroom today talking to Sierra and I was looking around....the binders all lined up and ready to go...the school supplies, neatly organized and put in their place...my binder with everything so organized with calendars, grading sheets, and more.  I. Am. Ready.  

2012/2013 is going to be a great year!!

8/30/2012 12:05:22 am

You.Are.Ready. This is the most organized I've ever seen you for schoolin'.....and that's saying something!

9/7/2012 02:27:07 am

It is a good feeling to actually have a complex project and to go through all the stages to completion and look at it done and done to your satisfaction . It doesn't happen that often. I have several dream photo projects that I have mentally planned and had wonderful new ideas being added in my mind and in notes almost weekly. But because I have no deadline or pressure to do it (just do it!) I don't get it done, just basic life tasks and few extras here and there.


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