I have been so quiet, on here, lately.  Oh, I have posted a recipe or two, but no real blog posts.

It's not from lack of wanting to post anything, in fact there is a particular subject matter that has been grieving my spirit for a long time and I have wanted so bad to post something about it, but something has been holding me back.

You see, this particular subject matter is particularly sensitive because it is something that can offend some friends and relatives of mine.  I struggled with it for a while, but decided, it must be said.  I don't mind offending or ruffling feathers when I think it is just and right.

But, something has been holding me back.  I prayed about it.  I have composed what I would say in my head, but when I go to type it, it doesn't come.  It occurs to me that God is staying my hands.  He is saying, "I got this."  This morning, I realized that as troubled as I have been, God is much more so...but He is also in control.

Too often, we Christians can jump on the computer or TV and start spouting off opinions that may have a foundation of truth to it, but the delivery is just all wrong and the message gets lost in the shadow of self-righteousness.  God gets lost.

So, on this subject, I will heed God's decision to keep my hands from typing my rant and will let God deal with it the way He wants to deal with it.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. 

Isaiah 55:8

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