Never before have I been more ready for Summer Break then this year, my first full year homeschooling both my children.  When they were in public school, I would be so happy when summer break arrived and I could have the kids at home with me for fun in the sun...not to mention the slowing down of schedules...sleeping in...staying up late.  Who doesn't love summer break???  This year, though, I have worked at keeping schedules as well as teaching my kids and trying to make sure they got everything they should get.

In May (is it really only June 2nd?), I entertained the idea of going into June with Daniel (Sierra is for sure going into June...and maybe going all summer...but she is independently taught).  We started 2 books at the end of May which would ensure we would need to go until mid-June: "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "The Family Under the Bridge" and also didn't get his last math workbook until the end of May.  I sighed and accepted the fact that we would have to go into June...maybe even until the end of June.

But, whether it be the heat that is quickly getting hotter and hotter...or the humidity that is getting thicker and thicker...or the sounds of kids all across the area shouting with joy that THEIR school has ended for summer...whatever the cause, I have come to the realization that I do not want to do it anymore.  I am MORE ready for a break than Daniel is.  My job doesn't end when the last subject is taught.  Prep work is hard.  I am consumed by what needs (wants) should come next.  My mind is always on what the next day, week, month will have in store.  Recently, I have been consumed with what 2nd grade should look like.  I have been researching organization and wanting to get ready to plan out a full school year (or at least half) before school starts in September.

May was a killer month for us and June is full, too.  So, this coming week I do not have anything planned (except a well deserved Mom's Night Out)...and I have decided that this upcoming week WILL be the END of the school year for Daniel.  Thursday is his LAST day of school....and MY last day of school.  We are scrapping "The Family Under the Bridge" until next year (it is a bit heavy for a last book of the year).  We WILL finish "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" which has been great fun to read...and we will finish up as much of his workbook as possible.  I do not feel guilty if we do not finish it.  It is like extra credit math...all his math facts for 1st grade (and by state standards, probably most of 2nd grade) have been fulfilled.  This is more challenging and I may pull it out during the summer to keep his mind sharp (as if it isn't already sharp).

He will continue reading over the summer...but it will be more like his choice of what to books.  Maybe some Bill Wallace books...or Diary of a Wimpy Kid books...or what have you.  And me?  Well, I am sure I will obsessively research every curriculum, every kind of lesson plan, every thing I can to prepare for 2nd grade.  I THRIVE in order and I will likely make changes to our school room in preparation...make lists....and all the other things involved.  But I LOVE doing that.  I LOVE planning and researching.  And, I can do it in my own time which will be far greater without the 3 hours of school each day.  

Summer:  pool time, beach time, staying in with the kids watching movies (we have already agreed that a classic Disney movieathon is a MUST), reading books, going to the library, going to the mall, getting together with friends, VBS times 2, sleeping in, staying up late, eating ice cream, playing games...the list goes on.  I just cannot wait.  June 7th.  11:30ish.  Summer Break Kozlowski style.  *Sierra will continue with school, but will slow down.  She will also leave in a week for Georgia for summer camp....*

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