There are many favorite things that we love about Christmas.  The music.  The lights.  The decorations.  The warm fuzzies.  The hot chocolate.  The fudge.  The parties.  The tree.  The ornaments.  And....the MOVIES!!  I love Christmas movies from the cheesiest Lifetime/Hallmark movie to the blockbusters.  There is nothing better than cozying up in a nice warm blankie while watching a Christmas movie.

One of our favorites are all the ones featuring the mascot of Christmas, Santa Claus.  When I first became a mom, we decided we didn't want to "do" the Santa thing...that is have our kids write Santa a letter, tell them stories of Santa coming down the chimney, and leaving cookies and milk out as payment for presents.  We struggled with the movies featuring this jolly old guy...fearing confusing our children on whether he is real.  We must've really thought our kids were dumb seeing how they would watch things like Barney or Elmo or any number of Disney characters and love them in all their fictional, fantastical glory.  It didn't take long to break out those great classics about a reindeer with a shiny nose, a living snowman that is confused about birthdays, a kid who is left at home by himself, and all the rest of these great movies.

So, who made the best Santa??  What is your favorite Christmas movie??  

If you are like me, you have a hard time nailing it down.  I love so many of them.  Here is a list of our must watch movies each year:

Home Alone
Frosty the Snowman
Christmas Vacation
It's a Wonderful Life
Charlie Brown Christmas
Prep and Landing 1&2
The Toy That Saved Christmas (VeggieTales)
The Nativity Story
Mickey's Christmas Carol
Small One
Mickey's Christmas Shorts
The Grinch (animated ONLY)
Miracle on 34th Street
The Santa Clause (first one only)

(For me and my daugther) Little Women and White Christmas
(For me)  Little House on the Prairie: Christmas at Plum Creek

It is one of the things that makes me so sad...Christmas Eve night, we will watch It's a Wonderful is our Grand Finale.  No more Christmas movies for another year.  Don't even get me started on the music.  I could go on and on with that one.

In the hustle and bustle of Christmas...the parties and the shopping....the stress and the fuss....don't forget to take time to sit together as a family....pop some popcorn....bake some cookies....and enjoy time spent together with a great Christmas movie.
My favorite Santa:  Tim Allen in The Santa Clause

My favorite Christmas movie:  It's a Wonderful Life or Grinch or Rudolph or Miracle on 34th Street, or The Santa Clause or .....

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