Today we concluded our first week of school.  It was a short week since we started the day after Labor Day.  Daniel always ends on Thursday (unless there are special circumstances like field trip during the week or special project like our upcoming mummifying a chicken project), but Sierra is set to have school Monday through Friday because her workload is just so much greater.  I planned out the whole school year knowing that things would pop up here and there that would cause strain or require alterations and on this first week of school, we already had a strain moment.

Matt calls me a couple weeks ago with excitement...telling me that "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark" is being released in IMAX for a short run and wanted to know if we could go as a family.  Well, this movie is a top movie for Matt, so what could I say.  BUT, in order to avoid any Saturday/Sunday crowd, we all agreed that Friday was a better time for us to see the movie....and I am unwilling to ALREADY make concessions to the schedule.  I told Sierra she needed to work around it....get her work done.  I encouraged her to get all her work done by today, Thursday, so she could have a three day weekend.

So, the week started GREAT!!  Lots of GREAT attitudes, efficiency in getting work done, and even comments on liking the new curriculum and the new organizational system..."be still my heart".

Today, we hit a bit of a snag.  Sierra is prone to sinus infections and, after suffering with a cold all week and than hanging out with friends in the evening at church....OUTDOORS....she woke up with a feeling of sinus infection.  It would be her 5th in a matter of a few months.  She knew she had to get her work done, but quickly felt overwhelmed.  I also discovered that with her Language Arts program, I would probably be better off with the teacher's guide.  

So, we now know we need to tweak some things.  We get an idea on what is working and what needs work.  Daniel's schooling is pretty on course to not needing any tweaks.  He is being challenged a bit more with each day which is good.  He has been motivated to get his work done and thus has been finishing every day before 11 (well, not today, he accidentally did too much math and science was a bit more challenging than he expected).

You have to love homeschooling though.  Sierra was having a tough time converting measurements and needed my assistance.  Ok....TOTAL confession time......I AM A NERD!!  Converting measurements was SO MUCH FUN!!!  I LOVE IT!!  (I was also going over diagramming sentences with Sierra earlier and was having fun with that too!...)  But, as I was happily explaining to her how it works, she was falling asleep (sinus pressure).  So, I said...ok.  Time to get blood flowing...let's go do your shots and go to the library and than come back and finish going over this.  This totally revitalized her and when we came back it took only minutes for her to conquer converting!!!  You can't do that in school!!  

I am very proud of my kids and I feel motivated for the rest of the year.  And, tomorrow, Matt is taking the day off work, and we will be off to see Raiders in the IMAX.  It is a great way to end a great week...sinus issues and all.

Here is Sierra and I learning about converting measurements while drinking some tea.  Sierra is a tea freak...she loves drinking a nice BIG mug of hot tea or two or three each day!!

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